Publication Details
Evaluating options to increase specific service (logo) signs from six businesses to nine businesses per service
Type: Paper
Author(s): Carter, Daniel L.; Wang, Ian J.
Publisher: UNC Highway Safety Research Center
Publication Date: Mar-2007
Address: Chapel Hill, NC
Abstract: In an effort to meet the rising demand for logo positions on specific service signsat North Carolina interchanges, NCDOT developed a 9-panel design and anoverflow combination as two experimental alternatives to the current 6-panel logosign. To evaluate the effect of the new signs on interstate motorists, motoristswere observed at five 9-panel locations, five overflow locations, and six standard6-panel locations. An observer recorded instances of unusual behaviors,including braking, drifting, and lane line encroachment. The rates of theseunusual behaviors at both experimental sign locations were not found to besignificantly different from rates at standard 6-panel sign locations. The findingsof this research indicate that the experimental 9-panel and overflow logo signs donot increase motorist distraction and therefore do not have a negative effect onsafety.