Publication Details

Using an adapted community readiness assessment to inform Vision Zero and safe systems action

Type: article

Author(s): Keefe, Elyse M.; Naumann, Rebecca B.; Evenson, Kelly R.; LaJeunesse, Seth; Heiny, Stephen; Lich, Kristen Hassmiller

Pages: 100992


Publication Date: Jan-2024

Journal: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Volume: 23

Issn: 25901982

Doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100992

Abstract: Fatal and serious crashes on roadways remain a persistent public health crisis. Vision Zero, based on the principles of a Safe Systems approach, is an initiative that has grown in popularity in the United States in the past decade. While the importance of cross-sector collaboration and the need for a supportive community culture in order to realize community change is well established, such tools and frameworks have not been applied as commonly for road safety initiatives as in other fields. The authors adapted and utilized the Community Readiness Assessment (CRA) tool, a well-established model within public health for assessing and informing community-based interventions in seven Vision Zero communities in one U.S. state. Three communities assessed were determined to be at an overall readiness level of four out of nine, or at a “preplanning” level and four of the communities scored a level of three, or at a “vague awareness” level. However, levels of readiness across the six dimensions measured varied, with community-related dimensions (e.g., community climate) scoring lower than readiness levels for stakeholder knowledge, leadership, and resources. Additionally, communities with more advanced stages of implementation had higher readiness scores, on average. Assessment results provided unique insights to inform next steps for local initiatives, particularly related to discrepancies between the readiness of the wider community and the readiness of leadership and available resources. Therefore, the CRA represents a potentially beneficial tool for communities pursuing Vision Zero initiatives.