Publication Details

Traffic safety culture research roadmap

Type: book

Author(s): Kumfer, Wes; LaJeunesse, Seth; Heiny, Stephen; West, Alyson; Weisenfeld, Jonathon; Otto, Jay; Ward, Nicholas; Dively, Katherine; Hanson, Bridget; McAndrews, Carolyn; Lavrenz, Steven; Kash, Gwyn; Brown, Charles T.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program, ; Transportation Research Board, ; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,

Publisher: Transportation Research Board


Publication Date: 2024

Isbn: 978-0-309-70939-2

Doi: 10.17226/27488

Address: Washington, DC

Abstract: NCHRP Research Report 1091 presents a research roadmap for promoting traffic safetyculture (TSC) among state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportationsafety agencies. The roadmap consists of 20 research need statements covering a broad setof research needs since agencies are at different stages of readiness for conducting TSCresearch. The need statements suggest projects that agencies can undertake to shape their ownorganizational cultures, align their goals with those of their communities, and contributeto national traffic safety objectives. The roadmap should be of particular use to state DOTsand other transportation safety agencies seeking to understand TSC and identify rel-evant research needs to help build a positive TSC.