Publication Details

Emergency department visits prior to firearm death: The NC LEADS project [Letter to the Editor]

Type: article

Author(s): Waller, Anna E.; Harmon, Katherine J.; Neuroth, Lucas M.; Johnson, Lois C.


Publication Date: Jul-2023

Journal: North Carolina Medical Journal

Volume: 84

Issue: 4

Issn: 0029-2559

Doi: 10.18043/001c.81274

Abstract: To the Editor – Firearm deaths are increasing in North Carolina. Firearm-injury decedents who visited the emergency department (ED) more than once in the year prior to death present opportunities for providers to prevent future firearm deaths. NC LEADS, a part of the North Carolina Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (NC-FASTER) program, links records for firearm-injury decedents in the North Carolina Violent Death Reporting System (NC-VDRS) to ED visits in the North Carolina Disease Event Tracking and Epidemiologic Collection Tool (NC DETECT), North Carolina’s syndromic surveillance system.