Directions e-newsletter archive
Volume 2023, Issue 2
- University Research Week session discusses critical climate impacts on transportation
- New HSRC Insights video features Sarah O’Brien, research focused on accessibility
- HSRC works across NC
- HSRC on the road: Presenting research to diverse audiences
- New resource spotlight: Quick-build safety project in Cincinnati
- New HSRC staff and service milestones
- Recent HSRC highlights and publications
Volume 2023, Issue 1
- Getting to know: student researchers and projects at HSRC
- $1,500 HSRC Scholarship open, inaugural winner reflects on career since 2007
- Support HSRC during GiveUNC on March 28!
- HSRC: Beyond the research
- HSRC staff are students for life
- Digital learning and webinars
- Welcome to new staff
Volume 2022, Issue 1
- National Parks Service project “most exciting” for HSRC Researcher
- HSRC Insights video on teen driving, featuring Natalie O’Brien
- HSRC staffing news
- PBIC Vision Zero for Youth Philadelphia demonstration project
- Resource highlight: CSCRS Research to Practice Bytes Series
- Two HSRC scholarships for NC students – Apply now
- CSCRS teaches kids about designing safe roads during the NC Science Festival
- HSRC joins Road to Zero Coalition Steering Group
- Picture this: Creative research communications “vehicles”
- HSRC hosted NCDOT summit for second time
Volume 2021, Issue 1
- COVID-19 research examines how COVID-19 has impacted teen driver safety in NC
- Zooming in: new connections
- Vision Zero for Youth Demonstration Project in Philadelphia begins second year
- HSRC Insights on pedestrian and bicycle safety training, featuring Kristen Brookshire
- Accelerating rural road safety using Artificial Intelligence
- Need for collaboration in shaping the narrative around traffic injury, says new CSCRS media framing guide
- New rating criteria for the CMF Clearinghouse
- PBIC pedestrian safety resource offers an exploration of context, patterns, and impacts
- Mark your calendar: GiveUNC, March 30 – opportunity to support HSRC scholarship fund
- Save the date: NaTMEC 2021 goes virtual
Volume 2020, Issue 2
- COVID-19 research examines mobility and health impacts across NC
- CSCRS launches webinar series webinar series on systems-based approach to road safety
- HSRC to host NCDOT Research & Innovation Summit
- HSRC researchers help develop Child Passenger Safety webinar series for NC Technicians to maintain certification amid physical distancing requirements
- 2020 HSRC scholarship awarded to UNC Pembroke student pursuing public administration degree
- Registration now open for Walk to School Day 2020
- UNC-led team selected to develop national guidance for e-scooter safety
- HSRC participated in GiveUNC to establish new diversity scholarship launching next fall
- Unveiling HSRC Insights, a new video series about the Center
Volume 2020, Issue 1
- HSRC updates FHWA Pedestrian and Bicycle University Course
- Fortaleza, Brazil, receives first-ever International Vision Zero for Youth Leadership Award, new recognition program by National Center for Safe Routes to School
- HSRC at TRB: A recap
- UNC hosts Safe Systems Transportation Research Forum for congressional staffers
Volume 2019, Issue 2
- HSRC researchers develop a new way to categorize injuries related to micromobility devices
- HSRC provides resources to AV educators
- East Carolina University student pursuing occupational therapy degree is awarded HSRC scholarship
- HSRC researchers earn two TRB awards for one paper
- Summer Transportation Institute activities led by HSRC & CSCRS researchers
Volume 2019, Issue 1
- HSRC researchers garner three outstanding paper awards at TRB
- Safe Systems Summit Held in Durham, Presentations Now Available
- Complete Streets: What are they and where can we learn about them?
- Wake County Model Safe Routes to School Project – A Technical Assistance Project for HSRC
- Staff Spotlight: Seth LaJeunesse
Volume 2018, Issue 2
- Autonomous Vehicles expert opens up new lanes for research at HSRC
- Dr. Randa Radwan Named Director of UNC Highway Safety Research Center
- HSRC welcomes new staff members
Volume 2018, Issue 1
- Prioritizing safety where children and youth walk and bike, a good first step
- Reducing Fatalities and Injuries on the Road – new textbook to educate professionals and students alike
- HSRC welcomes new staff members
Volume 2017, Issue 2
- Graduated Driver Licensing, not a one-size-fits-all approach
- Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship winners
- Record high numbers for Bike and Walk to School Days
Volume 2017, Issue 1
- In our field, sound research = saving lives
- HSRC welcomes new staff members
- Spring happenings
- New CMF Clearinghouse resources
Fall 2016
- Survey results show NC motorcycle riders focus on safety
- From the Director: Prestigious National UTC grant takes a fresh approach to improving road safety
- Walk to School Day 2016 sets new participation record
- HSRC welcomes Stephen Heiny
Summer – 2016
- Road Safety Academy presents second installment of Road Safety 101
- HSRC welcomes Chris Gomola Mullin and Yudan Wang
- North Carolina State University student receives 2016 HSRC scholarship
- Communities around the globe prepare to celebrate the 20th Walk to School Day
Spring – 2016
- New research identifies curves, investigates how drivers react to them
- HSRC study examines effect of school start times on teen crashes
- Galax, Va., SRTS program receives national recognition
- Communities across the US celebrate the joy of bike-powered trips to school
- Welcome Krista Nordback to HSRC’s pedestrian and bicyclist research team
- Directions subscriber survey
Winter – 2016
- HSRC celebrates 50 years
- Founding director awarded NC’s highest civilian honor, Order of the Long Leaf Pine
- Report celebrates a decade of the Safe Routes to School program’s success
- Part of NCDOT’s TEAAS training will soon be available online
- Wake County schools and community partners unite to improve pedestrian safety
- New “Walk Friendly” communities announced
Summer – 2015
- FHWA project synthesizes CMF service life and crash severity costs data, develops user guide to inform safety improvement decision making
- NC safety stakeholders update Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- HSRC Celebrates 50 Years: Save the Date for a Safety Symposium on Nov. 10
- Watch for Me NC announces new partners
- National Center celebrated Bike to School Day in May, opens Walk to School Day registration
- PBIC names five new Walk Friendly Communities
- Suicide prevention researcher presents annual Waller Lecture
- In remembrance
- Congratulations to Forrest Council, 2014 Roy W. Crum Award Recipient
Spring – 2014
- Teen driver study: Parents miss opportunities to help develop understanding
- Advancing transportation and health: Six questions with Lauren Marchetti
- East Carolina University student awarded HSRC Scholarship
- Free educational tool prepares youth for a lifetime of safe bicycling
- New “Walk Friendly Communities” recognized by PBIC
- Third annual National Bike to School Day: More bikes, more families, more fun!
Winter – 2013
- Shaping the future of transportation safety, a TRB session recap
- Study reveals more K-8 children are walking to school
- HSRC publishes 2013 Annual Report
- New website streamlines walking and biking information
- “Cycle Tracks” bicycle facilities project takes off at HSRC
- PBIC-designed course material for university students now available
Spring – 2013
- Click It or Ticket: Celebrating two decades of saving lives
- National Bike to School Day catches on, shatters previous participation mark
- New communities earn “Walk Friendly” status
- Staff milestones
Summer – 2013
- puts focus on safety for the whole family
- PBIC updates PEDSAFE Guide and Countermeasure Selection System
- Pedestrian Safer Journey prepares youth for a lifetime of safe walking
- PBIC names eight new Walk Friendly Communities
- National Center celebrates 17th Walk to School Day
- Teen driver injury prevention expert presents lecture at UNC
Winter – 2013
- North Carolina’s motorcycle helmet requirement: Saving lives, reducing injuries
- HSRC researchers study safety effects of traffic signal cost-saving measures
- HSRC seeks applications for annual highway safety scholarship
- Annual Report highlights Center achievements
- National Bike to School Day: Registration now open
Spring – 2012
- 35 years of child passenger safety in NC
- Recently published study examines role of supervised driving requirements in GDL
- Registration now open for inaugural National Bike to School Day
- New Walk Friendly Communities announced
- HSRC publications and presentations
- In remembrance
- HSRC staff changes
Summer – 2012
- Study: Teen driver cell phone use unaffected by restrictions, despite awareness
- HSRC team improves safety for cyclists using shared-lane markings
- Remembering Mary Ellen Tucker
- HSRC celebrates National Bike Month
- CMF Clearinghouse seeks volunteers for focus groups
- Staff milestones
Fall – 2012
- HSRC guides practitioners through implementing Complete Streets program
- PBIC director receives Lifetime Achievement Award
- UNC-Greensboro student awarded HSRC scholarship
- National Center for Safe Routes to School receives Harvard award, reaches data milestone
- Nine new Walk Friendly Communities announced
- PBIC releases final results of its national Bike Share study