North Carolina Department of Transportation
Research & Innovation Summit – 2020
Using Simulation to Assess Operational Performance of NCDMV
Authors: Daniel Rundell, Tyler Adams, Dr. Burcu Adivar and Dr. Majed Al-Ghandour
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The use of simulation models is a low cost and practical way to test various organizational configurations. Discrete event system simulation utilizes process flows and algorithms to emulate real-world activities at highly accelerated speeds. This allows decision and policy makers to assess the impact of potential operational and strategic changes with flexible experimentation and analysis. In this study, we discuss how simulation can be used to assess the impact of the current pandemic prevention measures on the operational performance of NCDMV. A custom simulation model developed for a specific Driver License Office and various alternative scenarios results will be presented. Simulation is constructed to mimic the flow of customers entering the building, waiting in line to have the documentation checked by a greeter, failing documentation check leaving the system, proceed to the waiting area, moving to available driver license examiner or for other services, and exiting the system. Alternative scenarios are created to cover social distancing implementation, disease dispersion among driver license officers, potential system upgrades, and schedule changes. The results of the study can be used to adopt the most effective operational procedures to maximize health and safety of NCDOT customers while minimizing wait times.
For questions about this research, contact Dr. Burcu Adivar at